Friday, May 14, 2010

Easy, Breezy, Beautiful, Covergirl. Deconstructed!

The commercial I chose is a Covergirl makeup commercial that advertises mascara, eyeshadow and lip color. I chose this commercial because I am a makeup fanatic and Covergirl commercials never fail to grab my attention.

Association- When I see this commercial and how happy it makes the girl on the commercial and how "beautiful" it makes her feel it makes me want to buy the product as well thinking I would get the same results.

Celebrity- Drew Barrymore is an actress who is the girl in this commercial. I have always like Drew Barrymore, always looked up to her since I was young so of course I would want to buy the product if she has used it.

Bribery- Bribery is somewhat used, in the commercial the message that I get out of it is "If you use our products you will be beautiful" I think that is a bribe. People will buy the product more because they want to be beautiful.

Beautiful people- Drew Barrymore

Fear- A minor amount of fear is used in this commercial, pretty saying that if you don't use this product you won't have beautiful eyelashes or you won't be glamorous.

Intensity- There is a phrase used that says "department store beautiful for LESS"

Nostalgia- The ad says "Lets bring beautiful back"

Repetition- "Easy, Breezy, Beautiful, Covergirl." Covergirl's phrase featured in every one of their commercials.