Friday, May 14, 2010

Easy, Breezy, Beautiful, Covergirl. Deconstructed!

The commercial I chose is a Covergirl makeup commercial that advertises mascara, eyeshadow and lip color. I chose this commercial because I am a makeup fanatic and Covergirl commercials never fail to grab my attention.

Association- When I see this commercial and how happy it makes the girl on the commercial and how "beautiful" it makes her feel it makes me want to buy the product as well thinking I would get the same results.

Celebrity- Drew Barrymore is an actress who is the girl in this commercial. I have always like Drew Barrymore, always looked up to her since I was young so of course I would want to buy the product if she has used it.

Bribery- Bribery is somewhat used, in the commercial the message that I get out of it is "If you use our products you will be beautiful" I think that is a bribe. People will buy the product more because they want to be beautiful.

Beautiful people- Drew Barrymore

Fear- A minor amount of fear is used in this commercial, pretty saying that if you don't use this product you won't have beautiful eyelashes or you won't be glamorous.

Intensity- There is a phrase used that says "department store beautiful for LESS"

Nostalgia- The ad says "Lets bring beautiful back"

Repetition- "Easy, Breezy, Beautiful, Covergirl." Covergirl's phrase featured in every one of their commercials.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


The Super Bowl and the people who allow this are probably in it just for

more money and could care less about the health of our people. This type of

advertising is the kind of product that gets the most sales anyway I'm sure so

they probably pay the Super Bowl more money to advertise. Whenever I have

watched the Super Bowl I always found the Alcohol and Fast Food commercials the

best ones, those are the ones people look forward to seeing, they are the

funniest so that could be another reason that the Super Bowl continues to allow

this kind of advertising.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

And the President is...

Would my vote have counted anyway? I've always asked myself that when thinking about the 2008 Presidental elections. Unfortunately I was 16 years old so I couldn't vote. The school I was going to at the time of course had a silly little vote in class, so we could see the outcome of the school's favored president.
OF COURSE... It was Barack Obama.
I was not surprised at all, I was probably the only one who voted otherwise.
I was super irritated when they put posters on the wall of Barack Obama with little catchy phrases like "Barack & Roll!"
Not that I have anything against Obama, I just favored a different President like people favor a kind of food over the other.
Thinking about the elections right now, I know that my vote would've counted... Maybe not in a huge way to the result of the poll, but to myself, voting would make me feel important because I would be standing up for what I believe in and that is the most rewarding feeling.
When it comes to Barack Obama's beliefs, some of them I think are really cool, I like some of the things he wants to do for our country, but his other beliefs I cannot and will not stand for. The bad about him as a president overrides the good part of him. That is just my opinion. :/

Monday, March 15, 2010


Image is important in our society...
What about in politics?

Well I believe that image is important to an extent. The most "important " person in the country known as Mr. President should at least take care of his personal hygiene. If our president didn't appear to have showered and then gave a nation wide famous speech, he would appear to be ugly. People watching him would think he looks lazy and slobbish. If he can't take a shower, he can't rule our country. Simple things like that are important. I don't think there should be any extreme rules or expectations regarding the way our president appears. We would not want to take away the character of that person by making him dress very proper all the time.
What would people think if Obama wore a pair of dirty jeans? Is that super terrible? We have all worn a pair of dirty jeans at some point in our life, if you haven't you are probably not a true American. I think that would make Obama that much cooler. To some older people who have to vote they would see that and think it is inappropriate. In my opinion, I would not want to put the president on a pedestal. That would make his ego grow and he could lose the respect and empathy towards his people and become a bad president.

There is a lot more to this blog that has to be said, maybe at a later time I will add to it.
Character PT. 2?

Music Downloading

To be honest, the topic of downloading music illegally makes me nervous. I have countless CD's that I made to give a friend and I never knew it was illegal. Reading the consequences and stories about people who have been fined thousands of dollars really makes me contemplate whether or not I should call up old friends from a few years back to take back the CD I made to burn it, but that would just be inconvenient. I think the charges made against Jammie Thomas was a bit extreme, nearly 10,000 dollars a song? No song is worth that. Now that I am aware of these stories and the law regarding music downloads I can notify other people that do not know. People just need to know and it won't be a huge problem anymore.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Me & The Music.

"Soulja Boy up in dis hoe, watch me crank it, watch me roll, watch me crank that soulja boy, now superman dat hoe" - Lyrics from "Crank dat" by Soulja Boy. Back when I was a teenager I remember I would turn the radio on and that song would always be on. Along with its very popular dance it was one of the top songs of the year according to listeners across America. With what I would call degrading lyrics, rap music made it's way into my teenage years.

I liked nearly all genres of music, rap seemed to be the most popular, it was growing and gaining people's interest all over the place. I was in a different scene, I still listened to all the music that was before my time, I liked Ska, Punk, Grunge, Jazz, 80's Pop, Classic Rock, Motown and blues. The only kind of rap that I listen to was 90's rap music like Will Smith, I liked him because his lyrics were innocent and clean.

I occasionally got into some rap songs, but I spent most of my listening time enjoying Jazz music like Miles Davis, and random 70's and 80's music like Electric Light Orchestra and David Bowie. Those were always my most played artists. My mother didn't complain about what I listened to, she enjoyed it just as much as I did. I do recall playing David Bowie once in the car when my grandma was in there and she had said "What happened to the good music?" When I changed it to Miles Davis, who is from her time, she was very much relieved. Imagine what she would have thought if I had been playing a rap song.

The reason people liked rap music was because of the catchy rhythms and beats of the song, the "fun" lyrics and because rap songs included "cool factor". People could dance to most rap songs or just act cool by cruising down the streets blasting this music, that is why it was so well known. The reason I didn't make it my number one music genre to listen to, was because I always liked music that I could relate to. I don't find myself relating to Soulja Boy's Song lyrics. His lyrics don't even make sense to me. Also, I chose to listen to Jazz because it is the first genre of music recorded and one of the most simply beautiful.

I don't know how long rap music will go on, will it die? Will it grow? Who knows? All in all, when everyone else is listening to music like "Soulja Boy up in dis hoe, watch me crank it, watch me roll, watch me crank that soulja boy, now superman dat hoe" I will continue to listen to David Bowie, Electric Light Orchestra, and Miles Davis. The good music.